Integration use cases

Before delving into the intricate details of integrations, a cornerstone of the Spendbase platform, let's explore the variety of needs you can fulfil by integrating with a diverse array of applications.


  1. Saas stack discovery
  2. Employees' activity monitoring
  3. Saas overall usage
  4. Licenses utilisation
  5. Spends tracking

SaaS Stack Discovery

Effective SaaS management starts with knowing what you have. Spendbase integrations automate the discovery and cataloging of your SaaS portfolio. This visibility helps identify each application's role and value in your operations.

Integrations covering this:

Integration category Connectors What it provides
Identity provider Google Workspace - list of apps used per entire org
- employees who ever signed in to apps with SSO
Identity provider Microsoft - list of apps used in org
- employees who ever signed in to apps with SSO


Employee Activity Monitoring

Balancing productivity and privacy, Spendbase lets you monitor how employees use different applications without overreach. This insight helps manage productivity and pinpoint areas for workflow optimization or training.

Integrations covering this:

Integration category Connectors What it provides
Identity providers Google Workspace, Microsoft - employees who ever signed in to app with SSO
- employee's last activity
Direct API integrations Saas integrations (Slack, Zoom, Jira, Asana, etc.) - employees who ever used app (SSO, password login, any activity)
- employee's last activity
Browser extension any app logged in with corporate email - employees who ever signed in to app with password
- employee's last activity


SaaS Usage Insights

Analyzing how your team uses SaaS tools can reveal opportunities to optimize or reduce redundancies. Spendbase integrations offer detailed usage data, ensuring every tool contributes to your goals.

Integration category Connectors What it provides
Identity providers Google Workspace, Microsoft - last activity per entire app by any of employees
Direct API integrations Saas integrations (Slack, Zoom, Jira, Asana, etc.) - last activity per entire app by any of employees (SSO, password login, any activity)
Browser extension any app logged in with corporate email - last activity per entire app by any of employees (last password login)


License Utilization

Proper license management affects your bottom line. Spendbase tracks real-time license use, helping adjust or renegotiate agreements based on actual needs, preventing overspending on unused licenses.

Integration category Connectors What it provides
Direct API integrations Saas integrations (Slack, Zoom, Jira, Asana, etc.) - number of licenses
- license activity (usually for apps on Enterprise plan)


Spend Tracking

Keeping a close eye on SaaS expenses ensures budget adherence and cost-effectiveness. Spendbase provides a clear overview of costs, renewals, and actual spends, aiding strategic financial decisions.

Integration category Connectors What it provides
Expense/Accounting software QuickBooks, Zoho - expenses (vendor, account, status)
- payments history