Chrome extension modes

The Spendbase Chrome Extension operates in two modes at the moment:

1. Authenticated Mode:

  • requires authentication into Chrome extension
  • Tracks logins into SaaS applications using corporate accounts.
  • Captures login date, time, corporate email, and the app name.
  • if user installs extension but doesn't sign in to it - their data won't be sync with Spendbase

2. Disabled Mode:

  • this mode designed to abruptly stop syncing any data within your team from extension to Spendbase
  • if, for any reason you wanna stop the syncing you are as a Team Owner (Admin) simply
    • go to Integrations -> Chrome extension ->
    • click Active status on Chrome extension card
    • select Disabled and confirm it
    • after this the data syncing stops per entire team unless it returned back to Authenticated mode