Slack app installation

Slack app installation is easy process that requires just a couple of actions to take and that's it

IMPORTANT! Setup described below should be done by Spendbase's team Admin or anybody with Admin permission in your team


Also, it's worth mentioning that installing of the Spendbase app in Slack is per workspace action and provides access to all the team member per your workspace in Slack. No need to install it by each of the team members separately.

How to Install Spendbase app:

  1. Sign in to Spendbase as a Team Admin

  2. Go to Integration -> Slack and click Connect
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  3. select the proper Slack Workspace and authenticate
  4. Once you confirm the connection that's! Spendbase app becomes available per your entire workspace

You can always reach out to us for help, just ping us:

  • send us an email with problem description to
  • visit our landing page and shoot us a direct message in online chat at
  • or sign in and shoot us a message in online chat